Working with Impact on the Cutting Edge
The OCCIDENT Way of Working

You want to lead scientific inno­vations to success as an invest­ment manager? You are curious and love the combi­nation of science and busi­ness? At OCCIDENT, you have the chance to generate real impact every day. With your commit­ment, you create sustain­able added value for society.

The OCCIDENT Way of Working

The OCCIDENT Way of Working

Take on responsibility every day

As an investment manager, you are a true partner for your start-ups and accompany them in all aspects of company manage­ment.

You determine the direction

As an OCCIDENT Investment Manager, you build your own portfolio and make game-changing decisions on an ongoing basis.

In our team, you are irreplaceable

We are team players – your collea­gues stand behind you, support your work and appreciate your expertise.

We demand and nurture further develop­ment

We do not know what it means to stand still. That is why progression and further develop­ment in all areas is important to us – also for our employees.

We want you to be well

A wide range of benefits ensures that you feel comfort­able, that your work-life balance feels right and that you can also achieve your personal goals.

Creating the Future Together

Support your start-ups in developing successful products and companies from innovative technologies

OCCIDENT makes a positive contribution to society through sustainable and meaningful investments in deep tech start-ups. As a strong and agile expert investor who has concrete solutions at hand and makes decisions quickly, we count on a team of highly qualified and autonomous people, who want to lead their projects to success on their own initiative, at our locations in Munich and Zug.

We invest early-stage and accompany deep tech start-ups from a very early phase. In this sense, the path to success is decisively shaped by many forward-looking and sustain­able decisions by OCCIDENT investment managers – the success of a start-up is therefore also always the success of the investment manager.

As an investment manager at OCCIDENT, you have the chance to make a real difference every day. Your intuition for the appro­priate next step allows you to reco­gnize from count­less innovative techno­logies those that have the potential to be success­ful. With your commit­ment to your portfolio companies, you decide on generating added value and pushing concrete solutions for challenges facing society.

We do it the OCCIDENT Way.

Are you fascinated by the idea of building your own start-up portfolio and actually making a difference?
Want to know which benefits you can expect and whether the OCCIDENT way of working suits you?

Your Career with OCCIDENT


Investment Analyst

  • University graduate in the fields of natural sciences, engineering or computer science
  • First relevant profes­sional experience in the field of venture capital and start-ups
  • Involvement in various areas of the investment process and portfolio management

Junior Investment Manager

  • University graduate in the fields of natural sciences, engineering or computer science
  • Sound understanding of business management through studies or professional experience
  • First relevant profes­sional experience in the field of venture capital and start-ups
  • Project ownership for the investment process and port­folio manage­ment

Investment Manager

  • University graduate in the fields of natural sciences, engineering or computer science
  • >3 years of profes­sional experience as a venture capital investor
  • Experience in the invest­ment process and port­folio manage­ment (≥3 closings)

Senior Investment Manager

  • University graduate in the fields of natural sciences, engineering or computer science
  • Extensive profes­sional experience as a venture capital investor
  • Specialist in portfolio manage­ment (≥8 start-ups) and in the invest­ment/exit process (≥2 exits)
  • Experience in human resources manage­ment


Curious, perceptive, grounded and courageous, yet also humorous and team-oriented – that is the OCCIDENT team. As experts in our field, we know exactly what we are doing.


Co-operation with the founding teams of our portfolio companies motivates and inspires us every day. We are energized by their passion and drive, and the often very intense exchange spurs us on to tackle challenges together.

Portfolio News

The Science Investor.


As an early-stage deep tech investor, most of our port­folio companies are spin-offs from uni­ver­sities or research insti­tutions. To further expand our colla­boration with leading uni­ver­sities and research insti­tutions, we have launched our OCCIDENT@ACADEMIA program to actively support young academic start-ups on their entre­preneurial journey. Below is a sample of some of our partners.