
Avelo collaborates with global health leaders in project “BreathForDiagnosis”

We are excited to spotlight the “BreathForDiagnosis” project, a pioneering initiative where our portfolio company Avelo joins forces with esteemed partners, including the University Hospital Heidelberg (UKHD), the Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan, the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation in Cape Town, and the National Institute of Pulmonology Marius Nasta in Bucharest.

Funded with a substantial €3 million grant by the European Commission under the “Horizon Europe” framework, and co-funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the “BreathForDiagnosis” project aims to enable early and precise detection of respiratory infections, with a special focus on tuberculosis.

Early diagnosis is crucial, especially for tuberculosis, as it significantly improves patient outcomes, reduces the spread of the disease, and alleviates the burden on healthcare systems worldwide.

More information in the press release under the following link.

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